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Selling stock video

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Selling stock video like a pro Video Seminar by Drew Geraci


shoot 8K 10 bit if you can, highest quality is best unless you are trying volume

output Prores 4.2.2 or H265

If people or locations must have releases. must have license to operate drone in order to sell drone footage

unique events sell less, but are worth more

Shoot sequences, i.e. shoot a close, medium, distant version, make more $ with sequences

Marketing use LinkedIn: look for media acquisition, or marketing people but talk to them first instead of hard sell, build a relationship, find out what they need.

Create Youtube channel and instagram.. build your content library – long term effort

Data Mgmt – NEEDS ton of space, 64-120 TB to start with. Will go up to petabytes, have to plan for the future as well as backup,

LTO tape is bigger volume and longer shelf life. LTO 8 or 9 is current. 18 TB-45 TB per tape.

Cataloguing – FastvideoCataloguer, free and paid version, a bit older but good. add as much metadata as possible, Location, date, content description

Where to Sell:

Direct sales – you do the marketing, more work, higher return, (Nimia)

indirect sales – another company does the marketing you only get 15-30% (Getty, Pond5, artlist, dissolve, vimeo)

Subscription – artlist & adobe (dont make much money).

Know your value and of your work. Pricing – how much did it take for you to create that shot? charge about 1/5 of your cost to produce, then add $ for longer term right to use.

Rights Managed versus Royalty Free – Rights managed means more $, more control, each sale has terms and an agreement, exclusive or non-exclusive, length of term to use. Royalty Free – least profitable model unless you have a lot of footage. Someone can do whatever they want with your content.

Protect yourself by using proper legal advice for contracts. Make sure you have proper permits for national parks etc.


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