The happiest day of my life?


Me, in my much younger days at the helm of Encounter.

I sold my sailboat this week, and just handed over the keys today to the new owner. However I am not sure that old adage, “The second happiest day of your life is when you buy your boat, but the happiest day of all is when you sell it”, actually applies.
I am kinda “bummed out” about selling it, as I have owned this boat for nearly 36 years (more than half my life). I sailed it and estimated 4000 nautical miles or so around the Pacific Northwest, often in extremely challenging conditions like 55 knot winds and huge 15 ft seas. I had a ton of amazing adventures racing and cruising it, It is definitely one heck of a boat. Like a camperized Ferrari I reckon ha ha.
So in sailor jargon, I am officially “On The Beach” now, i.e. without a boat, and I can hear the Fat Mermaid singing, so I guess that that particular adventure has come to a close!
Encounter under full sail racing