
Red Ants as a Salad Garnish?
Red Ants as a Salad Garnish?

Red Ants as a Salad Garnish?

I fell in love with real Thai cuisine very easily because of the fantastic flavours, and its sophistication in terms of combining flavours compared to western cuisine.   Just so we are clear, I am talking about the Thai food that…

My Travel Snake Oil Remedies
My Travel Snake Oil Remedies

My Travel Snake Oil Remedies

One person’s Travel Medicine is another person’s “Snake Oil”, so I need to preface this posting with a disclaimer upfront, do NOT construe any of the following to be medical advice you should consider, let alone follow.  Just treat this…

Thailand Survival & Travel Tips
Thailand Survival & Travel Tips

Thailand Survival & Travel Tips

Ahhh Thailand, that wonderfully exotic location full of mystery, adventure, and good times… Here is what you really need to know about going to Thailand.. Caveat, these my own opinions – based on 13 years of visiting Thailand over eighteen…

The Luckiest Guy In Thailand

One Saturday at least, I think that “I” was the luckiest guy in the Land of Smiles (LOS) aka known as “Thailand”. I was driving out in one of the provinces near Bangkok that day with my Thai friend Y.…