The Art of Ceviche & Pisco

The saying goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do…

and I say, when in Santiago, eat Peruvian!

Someone from Chile will have to explain to me why there are so many Peruvian restaurants in Santiago, either Chile has no cuisine of its own, or its a guerrilla warfare tactic by Peru to take over Chile one bite of food at a time…   In any event, I am hitting 3 out of 3 in terms of food in Santiago, so I come here not to praise Santiago, I come here to EAT! 

Photographically though, Santiago is just a one shot town for me, at least so far…

Santiago-Jan 30 2018-1707

But I have only been here a couple of days, and some of that time was wasted due to “Hostel Hades” where my room was pushing 40 degrees C with no fan or aircon.. I was like a Patagonian Lamb (Cordero) roasting on a spit there…    Anyways, back to the important topic of food.  I just had dinner at Lima Lemon..

You can rip my still beating heart out of my chest and I will still have a smile on my face after the meal I just had. 

Cuzco-Jun 23 2016-2396

On the Wandering Honeybadger’s Crocodile’s Tongue scale of good food, I give this place 5 stars out of 5.  Wow, what a delicious dinner!

The Ceviche I had, Ceviche Andino, had shrimp, fish, octopus and squid with a very very nice cognac based preparation, and as you can see the presentation was top notch, and I can report that the taste was sublime for sure.

My waiter, whom they sent over because his English is great, and my Spanish is terrible, was also happy to advise on which Pisco to use in a Grande-size Pisco Sour.. in this case he suggested Four Gallos.  To give you some idea, close your eyes and just imagine what it would be like to drink a bouquet of flowers.. this Pisco is very aromatic, and the blend of ingredients was very well done.. one of the best Pisco Sour’s that I have ever had, and as my friends will attest, I am very fussy about having great Pisco.

As a finale, desert was a passionfruit (maracuya) cheesecake-like slice that was heaven unto itself! 

For more images from Peru, check out my Peru Image Gallery.  Images from Chile will be coming soon as well.

Lima Lemon on the map: