Images from the Wandering Honeybadger’s recent travels over the last year…
Tarantula, Amazon Basin, Peru
King and Black Vultures, Amazon Basin, Peru
Stink Bird, Amazon Basin, Peru
Giant River Otter, Amazon Basin, Peru
Llama’s Heart, Inta Rami Ceremony, Amazon Basin, Peru
Hammerhead Shark, Galapagos Islands
Caymen, Amazon Basin, Peru
Scorpion, Kandy, Sri Lanka
Sea Lion, Galapagos Islands
Rat Temple, near Bikaner, India
Tiger, Ranthambore Park, India
Crocodile, near Mysore, India
Leopards, Sri Lanka
Charging Elephant, Sri Lanka
no images were found
Eyelash Viper, Costa Rica
An “Imp from Hell” – Marine Iguana, Galapagos Islands
No Honeybadgers were bit, stung, gored, stomped on, nor otherwise injured nor molested in any manner by wild animals in order to make these photos. Thankfully the wildlife was very well behaved, and that was a very nice change. Unlike previous encounters, see: Go Ahead Bite Me, or At Least Try To.